This is a special prezzie for the members of Creative Canning Cuisine and anyone else who wishes to snag it.
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Creative Canning Cuisine
This is our oldest and largest Yahoo Group, 8 years old with more than 1400 members. We only discuss USDA approved methods and share safe canning recipes. If you are an experienced canner or you wish to learn the proper and safe way of preserving foods, come and join us.
Creative Canning Cuisine
This is our oldest and largest Yahoo Group, 8 years old with more than 1400 members. We only discuss USDA approved methods and share safe canning recipes. If you are an experienced canner or you wish to learn the proper and safe way of preserving foods, come and join us.
Comments not necessary but I love to see them....LOL!
Comments not necessary but I love to see them....LOL!